Parental Engagement Locality Group

Parental Engagement Locality Group

New group for parents of children with Additional Support Needs in mainstream schools

We are starting a new Parental Engagement Locality Group.  This group is for the parents of children and young people with Additional Support Needs in mainstream schools.  In this group, the parents can meet with other parents and with Council / Education staff to talk about anything related to additional support needs in a mainstream setting.  Information from this group will be shared with the Council’s Consultative Committee with Parents (CCwP) (

The Parental Locality Engagement Group will meet four times over the school year. 

The first meeting will be on Monday the 27th of September 18:30-20:30 on MS Teams.   The link to the meeting is below.

Click here to join the meeting

Language Support/Interpreter

If you need an interpreter please contact Emma Dougan (

You can copy this text into an email:

I would like to attend the Parent Engagement Locality Group meeting on Monday 27th September, 18:30 – 20:30.

I need an interpreter.

Language: …………………………….

Name: ………………………………….

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