
Craigroyston CHS
Headteacher’s Update

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils of Craigroyston,

I hope you are all well! We’ve had a very busy time at Craigroyston since Christmas and are very proud of all that our young people have achieved during this short term!

End of Term Plans

On Friday 9th February we will finish at the usual time of 1pm for our February break. We will return on Monday 19th February at 8.30am. We hope you have a lovely holiday!

Trips and Events

Senior Phase Prelims

A huge well done to all our S4-S6 pupils who have been completing prelim exams this month! It has been very busy and our young people have been working very very hard! We hope that this process has prepared them for the final exams, but a reminder that even if they did not achieve the grades they wanted this time, we have time now to study, work hard and prepare to achieve in the final exams in May!

Headteachers’ Meeting

Earlier this month we welcomed all the secondary headteachers in the City of Edinburgh Council to our school. We are very proud of our S1 pupils who greeted them as well as assisted with teas and coffees. The headteachers were very impressed by them and commented how smart, polite and friendly they were! Well done team!

S3 and S4-S6 Parents’ Evenings

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the S3 and S4-S6 Parents’ Evening! It was great to see so many parents and carers there and to catch up with families that we’ve both known for years and those that are new to us! We hope that you found the evenings useful but please do contact us if you have any feedback or things that you think we could improve on.

Staffing Updates

This week we are sadly saying goodbye to two amazing members of staff! Ms. Sarah Hamilton (Teacher of Mathematics) is moving to Castlebrae High School as the permanent Curricular Leader of Mathematics and Numeracy. We’re going to miss her very much and wish her all the best in her new role – she’s going to be amazing! Ms. Gemma McOwen (Teacher of Music) is moving to Beeslack High School in Penicuik as a permanent Teacher of Music. We wish her all the luck in the world as she starts in a new post closer to home! This term we have also welcomed Mr. Andew Hutchinson (Teacher of History) and Ms. Izzy Kerr (Teacher of Drama) – they have both joined us in permanent roles. We are very excited to have them as part of the Craigroyston family and are looking forward to working with them!

Although it has been a short time since Christmas, it has been full of activity and both staff and pupils are looking forward to a very well-deserved rest!

As always, please do not hesitate to email me at Shelley.McLaren@craigroyston.edin.sch.uk or message our Facebook page if there is anything at all we can help you with!

Have a lovely holiday!

Shelley McLaren

Kind regards,

Shelley McLaren

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